Source code for R2PD.cli

R2PD Command Line Interface (CLI)
import argparse
import datetime as dt
import dateutil
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pds
import time

from .datastore import DRPower
from .powerdata import (NodeCollection, WindGeneratorNode, SolarGeneratorNode,
                        WindMetNode, SolarMetNode)
from .tshelpers import TemporalParameters, ForecastParameters

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def cli_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''Get wind, solar, or weather data for power system modeling.''') parser.add_argument('-e', '--external-datastore', choices=['DRPower', 'Peregrine'], default='DRPower', help='''Name of the external datastore to query for resource data not yet cached locally.''') parser.add_argument('-ds', '--ds-config', help=''''Path to datastore configuration file.''') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='mode') actual_parser = subparsers.add_parser('actual-power') forecast_parser = subparsers.add_parser('forecast-power') weather_parser = subparsers.add_parser('weather') def append_common_data_args(parser): parser.add_argument('outdir', help='Directory for output data.') parser.add_argument('nodes', help='''Path to csv file describing nodes, or list of tuples describing nodes. Each tuple or each row of the csv file should contain (node_id, latitude, longitude).''') parser.add_argument('temporal_extent', help='''Start and end datetimes for output data.''', nargs=2, type=dateutil.parser.parse) parser.add_argument('point_interpretation', help='''Interpretation that will be assumed for output timeseries values. Can affect exactly which raw data points are pulled, and any upscaling or downscaling that is applied.''', choices=[ for interp in POINT_INTERPS]) parser.add_argument('-tz', '--timezone', help='''Timezone for all output data. Also used in interpreting temporal-extent if no explicit timezone is provided for those inputs.''', choices=['UTC'], default='UTC') parser.add_argument('-r', '--temporal-resolution', help='''Resolution for output timeseries data. Default is to retain the native resolution.''') parser.add_argument('-f', '--formatter', help='''Name of function to use in formatting output data for disk.''') return for p in [actual_parser, forecast_parser, weather_parser]: append_common_data_args(p) # todo: split back up into wind versus solar. solar needs generator types # and datasource for residential and commercial blends def append_generator_args(parser, forecasts=False): parser.add_argument('generators', help='''Path to csv file describing generators, or list of tuples. Each tuple or each row of the csv file should contain (node_id, generator_capacity), where generator_capacity is in MW.''') and_forecast = '' if forecasts: and_forecast = 'and forecast ' subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='forecast_type') # todo: set default forecast_type? disc_leads_parser = subparsers.add_parser('discrete_leadtimes') disc_leads_parser.add_argument('leadtimes', nargs='*', help='''List of leadtimes at which forecasts are desired for each timestamp.''') dispatch_parser = subparsers.add_parser('dispatch_lookahead') dispatch_parser.add_argument('frequency', help='''Frequency at which forecasts are needed.''', type=dt.timedelta) dispatch_parser.add_argument('lookahead', help='''Amount of time being modeled in each forecast/dispatch model run.''', type=dt.timedelta) dispatch_parser.add_argument('-l', '--leadtime', help='''Amount of time before modeled time that forecast data would need to be supplied.''', type=dt.timedelta) parser.add_argument('-s', '--shaper', help='''Name of function or other callable to use in shaping the timeseries data to conform to the temporal {:} parameters'''.format(and_forecast)) return def append_weather_args(parser): # todo: Implement downselect of weather variables if needed parser.add_argument('-s', '--shaper', help='''Name of function or other callable to use in shaping the weather timeseries data to conform to the temporal parameters''') return resource_types = ['wind', 'solar'] def append_generator_subparsers(parser, forecasts=False): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='type') for resource_type in resource_types: parser = subparsers.add_parser(resource_type) append_generator_args(parser, forecasts=forecasts) def append_weather_subparsers(parser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='type') for resource_type in resource_types: parser = subparsers.add_parser(resource_type) append_weather_args(parser) append_generator_subparsers(actual_parser) append_generator_subparsers(forecast_parser, forecasts=True) append_weather_subparsers(weather_parser) parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help="Option to output debug information.") return parser
[docs]def cli_main(): parser = cli_parser() args = parser.parse_args() log_level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.WARN fmt = '%(asctime)s|%(levelname)s|%(name)s|\n %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(format=fmt, level=log_level) # to console # 0. Set up logging, connect to data stores, and make output directory assert args.external_datastore == 'DRPower' # todo: Implmement library mechanism for finding external datastore options # and matching string description to class. # 1 connect to external datastore ext_store = DRPower.connect(config=args.ds_config) total_size, wind_size, solar_size = ext_store._local_cache.cache_size max_size = ext_store._local_cache._size print('''Local Cache Initialized: Maximum size = {m:.2f} GB Current size = {t:.2f} GB Cached wind data = {w:.2f} GB Cached solar data = {s:.2f} GB '''.format(m=max_size, t=total_size, w=wind_size, s=solar_size)) # 2. Load node data and initialize NodeCollections nodes = None NodeClass = None if args.mode == 'weather': NodeClass = WindMetNode if args.type == 'wind' else SolarMetNode if isinstance(args.nodes, (list, tuple)): nodes = pds.DataFrame(args.nodes, columns=['node_id', 'lat', 'long']) else: nodes = pds.read_csv(args.nodes) else: arg_type = args.type == 'wind' NodeClass = WindGeneratorNode if arg_type else SolarGeneratorNode if isinstance(args.nodes, (list, tuple)): nodes = pds.DataFrame(args.nodes, columns=['node_id', 'lat', 'long']) else: nodes = pds.read_csv(args.nodes) if isinstance(args.generators, (list, tuple)): generators = pds.DataFrame(args.generators, columns=['node_id', 'capacity']) else: generators = pds.read_csv(args.generators) nodes = pds.merge(nodes, generators, on='node_id', how='inner') nodes = [NodeClass(*tuple(node_info)) for ind, node_info in nodes.iterrows()] nodes = NodeCollection.factory(nodes) print('Finding resource for {l} {c}s' .format(l=len(nodes), c=NodeClass.__name__)) # 3 Download, cache, and apply resource to nodes ts = time.time() print('Identifying resource sites and downloading if necessary') nodes, nearest = ext_store.get_resource(nodes) t_run = (time.time() - ts) / 60 if args.mode == 'weather': sites = len(nearest['site_id'].values) else: sites = len(np.unique(np.concatenate(nearest['site_id'].values))) print('{n} resource sites extracted in {t:.4f} minutes' .format(n=sites, t=t_run)) # 4. Format and save to disk temporal_params = TemporalParameters(args.temporal_extent, args.point_interpretation, timezone=args.timezone, resolution=args.temporal_resolution) # todo: Set up library and match shaper and formatter arguments to objects shaper = args.shaper formatter = args.formatter print('Saving processed resource data to {:}'.format(args.outdir)) if args.mode == 'weather': nodes.get_weather(temporal_params, shaper=shaper) nodes.save_weather(args.outdir, formatter=formatter) elif args.mode == 'actual-power': nodes.get_power(temporal_params, shaper=shaper) nodes.save_power(args.outdir, formatter=formatter) else: # TODO how to handle getting power and forecast in one call? assert args.mode == 'forecast-power' forecast_params = None if args.forecast_type == 'discrete_leadtimes': forecast_params = ForecastParameters.discrete_leadtime( temporal_params, args.leadtimes) else: assert args.forecast_type == 'dispatch_lookahead' forecast_params = ForecastParameters.dispatch_lookahead( temporal_params, args.frequency, args.lookahead, args.leadtime) nodes.get_forecasts(temporal_params, forecast_params, shaper=shaper) nodes.save_forecasts(args.outdir, formatter=formatter)